Tag Archive for: filter cleaning

Pool Pumps: The Heart of Your Pool

Picture this: a hot, sunny day, the sound of laughter in the background, and the enticing coolness of a swimming pool beckoning you to take a refreshing dip. Your pool is a haven of relaxation, but have you ever stopped to consider the unsung hero that makes it all possible? Enter the pool pump, a vital component that ensures your pool remains crystal clear, healthy, and ready for endless summer fun. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey into the world of pool pumps, shedding light on their significance, types, common issues, and the expert solutions provided by Fox Pools.

What are the Services for Pool Leak Detection?

The Lifeblood of Your Pool: Demystifying Pool Pumps

Pool pumps are the unsung champions of pool maintenance. They serve as the heart of your pool’s circulation and filtration system, working tirelessly to keep the water clean, safe, and well-maintained. To put it simply, a pool pump is responsible for:

  • Circulation: Pool pumps circulate water from your pool, through the filter, and back into the pool. This continuous flow helps distribute chemicals evenly, preventing the water from becoming stagnant.

  • Filtration: The pump drives water through the pool’s filtration system, where debris, dirt, and impurities are trapped and removed. This process is essential to maintain water clarity and quality.

  • Chemical Distribution: Pool pumps ensure that chemicals, such as chlorine or pH balancers, are evenly distributed throughout the pool, preventing algae growth and bacteria buildup.

  • Water Temperature: In some cases, pool pumps can also be used to circulate water through heating systems, helping to maintain a comfortable swimming temperature.

Types of Pool Pumps

Pool pumps come in various types, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. The most common types of pool pumps include:

Single-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Affordable: Single-speed pumps are typically the least expensive option.
  • Simplicity: They are easy to install and operate.


  • Energy Inefficient: These pumps run at a constant, high speed, consuming more energy than necessary.
  • Limited Control: You have minimal control over the water flow rate, potentially leading to excessive filtration.

Dual-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Energy Savings: Dual-speed pumps offer the flexibility to run at a lower speed when high circulation is not needed, reducing energy consumption.
  • Improved Efficiency: They strike a balance between performance and energy savings.


  • Higher Cost: Dual-speed pumps are more expensive than single-speed pumps.

Variable-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Maximum Efficiency: Variable-speed pumps provide precise control over the flow rate, offering significant energy savings.
  • Quiet Operation: They run quieter than single and dual-speed pumps.


  • Higher Initial Cost: Variable-speed pumps tend to have a higher upfront cost.

Common Pool Pump Issues

Pool pumps, like any mechanical equipment, can experience issues over time. Recognizing these issues early is essential to prevent more extensive damage. Here are some common pool pump problems:

1. Strange Noises

Unusual noises like grinding, rattling, or squealing can indicate worn-out bearings, debris stuck in the impeller, or a misaligned motor shaft.

2. Leaks

Water leaks around the pump housing or plumbing connections may result from damaged seals, gaskets, or loose fittings.

3. Loss of Prime

If your pool pump loses prime, it means it’s unable to maintain the necessary suction to keep water flowing properly. This can be caused by a clogged strainer basket, an air leak in the suction line, or a malfunctioning pump lid o-ring.

4. Low Flow Rate

A decrease in water flow can be due to a clogged impeller, a blocked filter, or a malfunctioning motor. Low flow rates can result in poor water circulation and inadequate filtration.

5. Motor Issues

If the pool pump motor won’t start, overheats, or frequently trips the circuit breaker, it indicates electrical or motor problems that require attention.

DIY vs. Professional Pool Pump Repair

Maintenance of Swimming Pool Pump Motors

When faced with pool pump issues, homeowners often wonder whether to attempt a DIY repair or seek professional assistance. The choice depends on your comfort level with pool equipment and your understanding of electrical systems.

DIY Pool Pump Repair


  • Cost-Effective: DIY repairs can save on service fees.
  • Immediate Action: You can address minor issues as they arise.
  • Learning Opportunity: DIY repairs can help you gain knowledge about your pool system.


  • Safety Risks: Working with electricity and water can be dangerous if not done correctly.
  • Limited Expertise: Complex issues may be beyond your DIY capabilities.
  • Voided Warranty: DIY repairs might void your pump’s warranty.

Professional Pool Pump Repair


  • Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix a wide range of pump problems.
  • Safety: Trained technicians ensure that repairs are done safely and according to industry standards.
  • Warranty Preservation: Professional repairs typically do not void your pump’s warranty.


  • Cost: Professional repairs may have a higher upfront cost.
  • Scheduling: You may need to wait for an appointment, especially during peak pool season.

Fox Pools: Your Trusted Pool Pump Repair Partner

Choosing the right partner for pool pump repair is crucial to the health and longevity of your pool. Fox Pools stands out as your trusted ally for several reasons:

1. Expertise

Our team of technicians at Fox Pools boasts years of experience in the pool industry. They undergo rigorous training to stay updated with the latest technologies and repair techniques, ensuring your pool pump receives top-notch care.

2. Safety First

Safety is our paramount concern. When you choose Fox Pools, you’re opting for a company that adheres to strict safety protocols to protect you, your loved ones, and your property during the repair process. Our technicians are trained to handle electrical components and water systems with the utmost care.

3. Efficiency

We understand that a malfunctioning pool pump can disrupt your pool enjoyment. That’s why we strive for swift and efficient repairs. Our team works diligently to get your pool pump back in working order promptly.

4. Warranty Protection

Opting for Fox Pools ensures that your manufacturer’s warranty remains intact. Our technicians follow industry standards, and we use genuine replacement parts to maintain your pump’s warranty.

5. Customer Satisfaction

At Fox Pools, we take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer your questions and provide guidance on pump maintenance and care. We believe that a well-informed pool owner is a happy one.

Contact Us Today

BG Fox Pools

Your pool pump is the lifeblood of your pool, responsible for maintaining water quality, clarity, and safety. When issues arise, whether it’s strange noises, leaks, or loss of prime, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Fox Pools.

While DIY repairs might be tempting, they carry risks and limitations. Professional pool pump repair ensures your safety, preserves your warranty, and provides peace of mind. Contact us at Fox Pools today to get started.

Dive into Savings: The Ultimate Guide to Pool Motor Repair

A crystal-clear, inviting swimming pool is the crown jewel of any backyard oasis. However, maintaining that picture-perfect pool comes with its fair share of responsibilities. Among these, one crucial component often overlooked is the pool motor. The unsung hero of your aquatic haven, the pool motor is responsible for keeping the water clean, properly circulated, and at the right temperature. But what happens when this silent guardian fails to function as it should? That’s where Fox Pools comes in, your trusted partner in pool motor repair.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of pool motor repair. From identifying common issues to offering expert solutions, we’ve got you covered. By the time you finish reading, you’ll not only understand the inner workings of your pool motor but also be well-equipped to handle any motor-related problems that may arise. So, let’s jump right in!

How Often You Need Pool Filter Cleaning?

The Heartbeat of Your Pool: Understanding Pool Motors

Your pool motor is the powerhouse behind your pool’s filtration and circulation systems. It pumps water through the filter, ensuring that debris and impurities are trapped and removed, leaving your pool water sparkling clean. Additionally, it plays a significant role in maintaining the pool’s temperature, keeping it comfortable for swimming.

Pool motors come in various sizes and types, but the most common ones are single-speed, two-speed, and variable-speed motors. While single-speed motors are the most straightforward and least expensive, they may not be the most energy-efficient option. Two-speed and variable-speed motors offer more flexibility and cost savings over time.

Common Pool Motor Issues

Despite their importance, pool motors can encounter a range of problems over time. Identifying these issues early is key to preventing more extensive damage and costly repairs. Here are some of the most common pool motor problems:

1. Strange Noises

If your pool motor is producing unusual sounds, such as grinding, squealing, or rattling, it could be a sign of a problem. These noises may indicate worn-out bearings, debris stuck in the impeller, or other issues that require attention.

2. Motor Won’t Start

A pool motor that refuses to start can quickly turn your refreshing swim into a disappointing ordeal. This issue may be caused by a malfunctioning capacitor, electrical problems, or a damaged motor.

3. Low Flow Rate

If you notice that the water flow in your pool has significantly decreased, it could be due to a clogged impeller, a blocked filter, or a malfunctioning motor. Low flow rates can lead to inadequate filtration and poor water quality.

4. Overheating

An overheating pool motor can be a safety hazard and a costly problem to fix. It may result from poor ventilation, damaged wiring, or a motor running at higher speeds than it should.

5. Leaking Water

Water leakage around the motor area is a red flag. It may indicate a damaged seal or gasket, which can lead to further motor damage and water contamination.

6. Tripped Circuit Breaker

If your pool motor repeatedly trips the circuit breaker, it’s a sign of an electrical issue that needs immediate attention. Ignoring this problem can lead to electrical hazards.

DIY vs. Professional Repair

When faced with pool motor issues, many pool owners wonder whether they should attempt a DIY repair or seek professional assistance. While some minor issues can be addressed by homeowners with the right knowledge and tools, it’s crucial to consider your comfort level with pool motor repair and your understanding of electrical systems.

DIY Pool Motor Repair


  • Cost-Effective: DIY repairs can save you money on service fees.
  • Immediate Action: You can address minor issues as soon as they arise.
  • Learning Opportunity: You can gain valuable knowledge about your pool system.


  • Safety Risks: Working with electricity and water can be dangerous if not done correctly.
  • Limited Expertise: You may not have the expertise to diagnose complex motor problems.
  • Voided Warranty: DIY repairs may void your pool motor’s warranty.

Professional Pool Motor Repair


  • Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix a wide range of pool motor issues.
  • Safety: Trained technicians ensure that repairs are done safely and according to industry standards.
  • Warranty Preservation: Professional repairs typically do not void your pool motor’s warranty.


  • Cost: Professional repairs may come with a higher upfront cost than DIY.
  • Scheduling: You may need to wait for an appointment, especially during peak pool season.

Fox Pools: Your Trusted Pool Motor Repair Partner

Maintenance of Swimming Pool Pump Motors

When it comes to pool motor repair, trusting the experts at Fox Pools is a decision that guarantees peace of mind and the longevity of your pool equipment. Here’s why Fox Pools stands out as your top choice:

1. Expertise

With years of experience in the pool industry, our technicians are well-versed in all types of pool motor issues. They undergo rigorous training to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and repair techniques, ensuring that your pool motor receives the best possible care.

2. Safety First

Safety is our top priority. When you choose Fox Pools, you’re choosing a company that follows strict safety protocols to protect you, your family, and your property during the repair process. Our technicians are trained to handle electrical components and water systems safely.

3. Efficiency

We understand that a malfunctioning pool motor can disrupt your enjoyment of your pool. That’s why we aim for quick and efficient repairs. Our team works diligently to get your pool motor back in working order as soon as possible.

4. Warranty Protection

Choosing Fox Pools for your pool motor repair ensures that your manufacturer’s warranty remains intact. Our technicians follow industry standards, and we use genuine replacement parts to maintain the integrity of your pool motor’s warranty.

5. Customer Satisfaction

At Fox Pools, we take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer your questions and provide guidance on pool motor maintenance and care. We believe that a well-informed pool owner is a happy one.

Contact Us Today

BG Fox Pools

Your pool motor is the heartbeat of your pool, and its proper functioning is crucial to maintaining clean, clear water and a comfortable swimming environment. When issues arise, whether it’s strange noises, motor failure, or any other problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Fox Pools.

DIY repairs can be tempting, but they come with risks and limitations. Professional pool motor repair ensures your safety, preserves your warranty, and provides peace of mind that the job will be done right the first time.

Don’t let pool motor problems turn your poolside paradise into a nightmare. Contact Fox Pools today and let our team of experts take care of your pool motor repair needs. Trust us to keep your pool in top-notch condition, so you can enjoy countless hours of aquatic bliss.

Managing Your Pool Filter Cleaning

Swimming pools are integral in many homes, providing a much-needed oasis during the hot summer months. But owning one makes you responsible for regular upkeep and maintenance. One essential aspect is cleaning out your filter regularly to keep the pool water safe for swimming.

Looking for the Best Pool Leak Detection Company?

Understand Your Pool Filters

Before initiating the cleaning process, it’s crucial to understand the various pool filter types available. There are three primary types of filters: sand filters, cartridge filters, and diatomaceous earth (DE).

Sand filters are the most prevalent type of pool filters and employ sand as the filtering medium, capturing dirt and debris from the pool water that could otherwise return. Cartridge filters utilize replaceable filter cartridges which capture contaminants as they pass through. DE filters use powder-like substances made from diatom fossils as a filter medium that coats a grid inside their filters to capture contaminants before flushing them and removing them from circulation.

How Often Should You Clean Your Pool Filter?

The frequency of pool filter cleaning varies based on several factors, such as your pool’s size, type, and usage habits. As a general guideline, at least every six months, your filter should be professionally cleaned. However, if any of these signs appear, it could be time for servicing:

  • Reduced water flow from pool jets (may indicate low pressure)
  • Indicator on your filter displays high pressure
  • Cloudy or greenish-hued water in your pool (may require filter cleaning as soon as possible to restore proper circulation and conditions for swimming).

Clean Your Filter

Cleaning a filter is generally a straightforward process that takes just a few steps.

Step 1: Before initiating the cleaning process, switching off your pool pump is crucial. This will prevent any water from passing through its filter while you work to disinfect it.
Step 2: To uninstall your filter from its housing, consult the instructions in your pool filter manual for guidance.
Step 3: Once you’ve removed the filter, it is time to clean it thoroughly. For sand filters, backwashing is the ideal method of removal as it involves the reverse flow of water through it to flush away contaminants; cartridge filters require regular rinses with a garden hose to flush all debris away. DE filters require removal of filter grids to be thoroughly cleansed using DE filter cleaner powder mixed with water which will then be applied directly onto them to eliminate contaminants.
Step 4: Now that your filter has been thoroughly cleaned, it’s time to reassemble it correctly by following the instructions provided in its user manual. Ensure it fits together securely before continuing.
Step 5: To ensure the proper functioning of the filter system, switch on your pool pump. Monitor its pressure gauge to ensure water flows freely through its filter. And keep an eye out on whether its pressure reading falls within acceptable levels.

Other Tips for Maintaining Your Pool Filter

What are the Services for Pool Leak Detection?

In addition to regular cleaning, you can also employ some additional strategies to maintain the best condition for your pool filter.

Check your pool’s pH levels regularly. Too high or too low readings could damage its filter, with an ideal range between 7.2 and 7.8 being ideal. In addition, regularly remove debris from your pool with a pool skimmer or net to ensure smooth filter function.

Be wary of using too many chemicals in your pool, as overdoing it may damage its filter. Follow all instructions regarding chemical products you purchase and only use them sparingly.

Rather than trying to service the filter yourself, why not hire a professional? An expert can offer regular maintenance checks on your pool filter, which ensures it continues to operate optimally.

Final Thoughts

Regular pool filter cleaning is vital to maintaining a safe, enjoyable swimming experience in your pool. The frequency of cleaning depends on various factors, including the size and type of filter used. Cleaning pool filters is a straightforward process that can be completed easily. Follow these steps along with our other maintenance tips for a positive swimming experience!

Sometimes pool maintenance is better left to the professionals. When you need assistance cleaning your pool, contact Fox Pools for expert help.


How to Clean a Cartridge Filter

Nothing beats cooling off with a refreshing swim in the sweltering summer months. To ensure good cleanliness and maintenance, you should use pool filters. A cartridge filter requires regular cleaning, which can be time-consuming but is necessary. As soon as you see that the filter is dirty, take it out of the filter assembly and give it a good cleaning with a garden hose. Do not use the spray nozzle when rinsing, as this could push particles deeper into the cartridge. Rinse the filter as soon as you remove it from the assembly. This is because the filter material can become more difficult to clean if it dries out.

How to Clean a Cartridge Filter

How to clean your pool cartridge filter

There’s no need to go to great lengths or spend a lot of money to clean your cartridge filter. In contrast to other filter types like DE and sand filters, cartridge filters do not require backwashing. Two or three items are all you need to get the work done efficiently and effectively. It’s necessary to have the following:

  • Muriatic acid
  • Dishwashing liquid or commercial filter cleaner
  • Bucket
  • Garden hose


Shut down the filter

Disconnecting the electricity from the pool’s filtration system is the first step in cleaning the cartridge filter. While you’re cleaning the filter, make sure the timers are off.

Bleed air

When you turn off your filtration system, the compressed air needs to be bled. To do this, open the air relief valve, which releases any pressure in the filter. By doing so, any accumulated water in the pool’s filter can be removed.

Remove the cartridge filter

In order to remove the cartridge filter from the filter unit, you will need to unscrew the model-specific lock ring, knobs, or tension clamps. Check the manual with the device to learn how to remove the filter. What you’ll learn here should help you safely remove the filter.

Empty the cartridge filter and clean it.

Just point your garden hose at a 45-degree angle to clean the cartridge filter, and use the nozzle’s moderate spray setting to flush the filter. A vigorous spray can damage the pleats in the filter, so avoid using a pressure cleaner. A cartridge filter can be easily maintained with a garden hose, and there’s no need for backwashing.

To thoroughly clean a dirty filter, it is better to work from the top down. Repeat the cleaning and rinsing steps until the filter is spotless and the water is clear.

It’s possible that after the initial cleaning, your filter won’t look quite as bright white as it did when you originally got it. It’s very natural for there to be some staining.

Soaking the filter

It may be necessary to soak the filter in order to remove the particles. Clogging can occur in the filter due to oils from use, such as those found in suntan oils, sweat, and sunscreen. To remove any remaining oils, soak the filter in a professional filter. Oils trapped in a filter can prevent the pleats from functioning properly; thus, it’s important to clean the filter often.

Your cartridge filter can be cleaned of oils by submerging it in a mixture of water and a commercial pool cleaner in a large bucket. Without a dedicated pool cleaner, a solution of one cup of dishwashing liquid to 5 gallons of water would do.

Depending on how hardened the debris and dirt are, the filter may need to be immersed for up to ten hours. Soak for at least an hour, preferably longer if time is of the essence.

Rinse off the filter

Take the filter out of the bucket and wash the cleaner.

Soak again with muriatic acid

Calcium carbonate, iron, algae, and other minerals cause clogging in your filter, so you may need to soak it again. This time, you should let it soak in a mixture of 20 parts water and 1 part muriatic acid. Just drop the filter into the liquid and wait for the bubbling to cease before pulling it out.

Repeat the rinsing process

As soon as you take the cartridge filter out of the mixture, you should give it a good rinse to get rid of any residual muriatic acid.

If, after following these instructions, your filter is still unclean, you may need to purchase a new cartridge filter instead. On average, you should change these filters approximately once every three to five years.

How to Clean a Cartridge Filter

Return the cartridge filter

After thoroughly cleaning the filter, you should replace it in its housing unit. Make sure that all of its components are in the right locations and fastened appropriately.

Initiate the purification process by turning on the filters

At this point, you can finish up by restarting the system. Having a clean filter will allow your pool cleaner to generate more suction and move more water.

Need help cleaning a cartridge filter?

The knowledgeable staff at Fox Pools is available to answer your concerns and provide you with additional guidance regarding cleaning your pool’s cartridge filter. Contact us today!

Pool Inspections for Spring

It’s not a fluke that your pool’s gleaming water appears out of thin air. As long as you keep up with your responsibilities, you’ll reap the benefits. Your pool will stand out from the crowd if you fulfill your responsibilities in a timely manner. One of those jobs you should never skip is swimming pool inspections.

Aside from making an appointment, there are many factors to consider when performing a pool check. To provide just a few examples, the frequency and method by which pool inspectors carry out their inspections vary. Have any questions about swimming pool inspections? Fox Pools is here to answer them!

Pool Inspections for Spring

Schedule pool inspections for spring early

Any pool will experience wear and tear as well as damage from exposure to the environment. To keep the pool operating at its optimum, it is necessary to repair and maintain this kind of damage.

It’s a good idea to stick to a regular inspection plan for your pool. Many people choose to have them examined by a professional before dipping into their swimming pools for the first time this summer.

As temperatures rise, pool inspectors are more likely to be on the clock.

Families may have to wait a long time to find out if the pool is safe. As a result, you should make every effort to have an inspection scheduled as soon as possible. This includes taking care of the pool’s pump, filtration system, leak detection, or filter cleaning.

What do pool inspections include?

There are many distinct aspects to a pool inspection. Inquire ahead of time about the scope of the inspection that your swimming pool needs.

Pool filter

You may find a variety of pool filters that perform the same thing: purify and disinfect the pool water, regardless of kind. If you don’t have one, you’ll have a pool that’s a disaster! An inspector’s role is to ensure that your pool filter is securely in place. Also, all the valves that lead to the filter are working properly.

Saltwater corrosion

Saltwater pools are a luxurious alternative that requires fewer quantities of chlorine to sterilize and requires less maintenance. There’s a danger that salt will corrode metals. When inspecting saltwater pools, inspectors must exercise extra caution.

Equipment operation

A visual inspection and basic operation of the pool or spa’s equipment, including heating systems, valves, motors, filters, and pumps, will be part of the inspection. An inspection of the equipment will look for problems, such as leaks in exposed plumbing, insufficient electricity or heating, and other malfunctioning parts. The topic of pool safety and equipment lifetime will be introduced during an inspection. This will help determine whether or not the equipment needs repair or total replacement.

Pool pumps

Your pool’s pump is a critical piece of equipment. A pool can only be used for a short time if the pump is not working properly. Inspectors check the pump to see if it’s working right and make sure the wiring is safe.

Pool interior

Vinyl liners feature in some pools. To prevent water from escaping the pool, these devices are ideal. Repairing a tear in the liner could be expensive.

A variety of plasters help to finish off other swimming pools. Inspectors look for cracks in the plaster that could become a problem in the future, though some cracking is to be expected.

Pool safety

It is the job of pool inspectors to ensure that your time in the sun is as enjoyable as possible. For example, they may inspect to make sure that the pool is clear of any electrical wires and that the walks around your backyard pool are safe against trips and falls.

Inspections of the pool’s fencing and latches, if any are there, are important to ensure that nobody who shouldn’t be in the pool gets there by accident. The fence’s design should make it difficult for small children to climb over, preventing children from sneaking in unnoticed. Local legislation can provide a different minimum height requirement.

Pool Inspections for Spring

Pool lighting

A common feature of many pools is the inclusion of underwater lighting. Pool inspectors should test more modern LED lights and old-fashioned light bulbs to ensure they work properly. They will inspect the pool lighting fixtures for moisture, which can lead to mildew and mold problems. This person could also tell you what kind of lightbulb you’ll need.

Pool inspections with Fox Pools

You’re aware that while performing a pool check is not required, it is strongly advised. You need a professional to check a pool because the typical individual doesn’t know what to look for.

Your family’s peace of mind is worth the cost. As a new homeowner, you don’t want to face an unexpected financial burden. Do you have any questions concerning pool inspections? Contact Fox Pools so we can help.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

Typically, pool filters are responsible for keeping your swimming pool clean at all times. Subsequently, pool filters are prone to clogging since they are responsible for getting rid of all dirt particles in the pool. Therefore, always take time to clean your pool filters regularly. Hiring a professional pool service company would be best to conduct pool filter cleaning.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

How do you clean a pool filter?

At present, there are different types of filters. The technique you use to clean a pool filter varies depending on its configuration. So, let’s look at a detailed procedure for cleaning different pool filters.

Cartridge pool filter cleaning

Cartridge pool filters are popular among a majority of pool owners. These filters are relatively simple to clean since you have to pull out the cartridge to clean it. If you have a cartridge pool filter, follow the below steps when cleaning it.

  1. Before you start cleaning a cartridge pool filter, you need to switch off the pool’s circulatory system for safety.
  2. Then, switch on the air relief valve to get rid of excess air from the system.
  3. Disintegrate the filter by removing all temporary fittings.
  4. Pull out the cartridge from the filter and place it in a safe space. Carefully examine the cartridge to check whether it has any cracks or abnormalities. If you have a worn-out cartridge, replace it with a new one. More often than not, you’ll have to replace the cartridge after every six months.
  5. If your cartridge is in good condition, clean it using clean water. Use a nozzle to spray water across the cartridge for thorough cleaning. Ensure you follow all the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the cartridge. If the cartridge is too dirty, soak it in a pool filter cleaning solution for at least 12 hours.
  6. The next thing to do is to rinse the cartridge using clean water.
  7. Ensure the O-ring on the filter tank is in good condition. Then, layer it with lubricant.
  8. Once the filter is dry, insert it into the filter and connect all the temporary fittings.
  9. Switch on the system and let it run normally.

Cleaning sand pool filters

Sand pool filters consume more effort and time when cleaning. Even so, ensure you clean your sand pool filter regularly to keep your swimming pool in good shape. Follow the steps below if you wish to clean your sand filter.

  1. The first step is to start by backwashing the filter. Backwashing facilitates a reverse flow of water in the pool to remove dirt particles tangling around the filter.
  2. Afterward, switch off the circulatory system.
  3. Remove excess air by turning on the air relief valve on top of the filter.
  4. Pull out the strainer lid of the pump.
  5. Put sand filter cleaner in the strainer basket and replace the lid.
  6. Switch on the pump for 15 to 30 seconds to facilitate the transfer of the sand filter cleaner to the filter.
  7. Once you switch off the pump, let the solution work on the filter for approximately 12 hours. It would be best to conduct this procedure overnight.
  8. The next thing to do is to backwash the filter once again. Doing this helps you get rid of all dirt particles deposited on the filter by the filter cleaner.
  9. Switch on the circulatory system after you finish backwashing the pool.

Why should you clean your pool filter?

Maintain a clean, healthy water environment:

When you clean your pool filter, you are able to maintain a healthy water environment. Typically, cleaning your filter improves its functionality. As a result, your filter will be able to keep your pool water clean at all times. Therefore, it will be much safer to swim in a pool with a clean filter.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

Prevent clogging:

Pool filter cleaning prevents clogging. Pool filters encounter dirt from time to time. Cleaning a pool filter removes all debris and dirt particles entangled on the pool filter. Therefore, it reduces any blockage. Through pool filter cleaning, you are able to cut down on pool equipment repair costs.

Extended life on your pool filtration system:

Keeping your pool filter in good condition improves its longevity. Pool filter cleaning improves the equipment’s efficiency. Subsequently, you are less likely to encounter problems with your pool filtration system.

Are you looking for pool filter cleaning services?

At Fox Pools, we offer the best pool filter cleaning services. Our pool experts are highly experienced in cleaning different types of pool filters. Consequently, you can count on us to deliver quality pool filter cleaning services. On your first consultation, we take the time to listen to all your requirements. From there, we come onsite to examine and clean your pool filter. Moreover, we take good care of any replacements and repairs needed by your pool filter.